Saturday, August 29, 2015


Weekly Calendar Sheet

As I filled out my weekly calendar I started to realize how I spend my time and where I have more time than I realized for things like studying and homework. Every night my sleep schedule is pretty consistent, I go to bed between 12 am and 1 am and wake up between 7:30am and 9:30am. I always give myself a 2 hour period in the morning for getting ready, eating breakfast and walking to school with time to prep for class once on campus. I have lots of large gaps between classes and this is a time I can start my homework for the day. I eat all my meals at my sorority house so they are at the same time every day and easy to schedule around. Directly after class is my favorite time to study or do homework because I am still in the mood to work, I try to give myself time after classes because of this. I think my biggest chunk of poorly spent time is early evening. I tend to procrastinate then and loose focus. Hopefully as the school year starts to set in I will get better at managing my time through out the day.

"Paper Calendar Planner Pen Schedule Organizer" 01/21/2015 via Pixabay. Public Domain Dedication

After reading and looking at the schedules of my classmates I realize that we are all very busy college students and I'm not the only person juggling a full calender. The one thing I noticed while reading Oscar Acosta's post was that he likes to do his homework Monday, Wednesday, Friday and on the weekends. I tend to just do my homework during any free time I have on week days. Between classes, during lunch or at night, I really don't mind I just prefer to make sure its done before the weekend so I can have some free time. Sundays are always study and reading days for me. Stephanie Vicenti had a schedule I could relate to, hard working weeks with time on the weekend.